Monday, November 26, 2007

Merindui "semi haaarrrrrddd leeennssseee....."

Day after day.. Life goes on like it would not wait for no one.Whateva past is past.Memories left to be kept in the album of life.Once in the while we should open up the album and it would remind us who we used to be, what we used to do, and who are they that had come and go through out the journey of our life.There surely some names that can still be spelled, some characters that can still be remembered, some chapters of happiness and saddness, some people that had come and left great scars in the pages of the albums.. Those are the pages that we will be flipping in our old ages.. So i am keeping it for my future investments..
~kenangan adalah harta yang tak ternilai~
semi hard lense 'o7

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