Saturday, January 31, 2009

choosing is so...

to decide : it is the harderst thing of life!

what a lovely morning,
when i have to wake up and think of what am i suppose to be choosing for my degree.
i am so messed up thinking of what future brings.
being so brought up i started to think of the reality of life.
about bits and pieces of life that usually will be nice to talk about,
but not really nice to face up alone.

i am started to think and think and think.
where should i put myself belongs to?
where should i place this soul so that the feelings of peace and bliss will always remains in?
where should i gather this body and mind to be in the right destiny that ends with smile?
well then, i started to remind myself.
we may have the power to plan, to arrange or to dream...

it will happen if it is meant to happen and if it has stated to happen.
there is something that we can change about it, right?
like by working hard to gain extra income?
or by being smart to choose and not to be stab?
so, i got to say yes,
we may not have the fully power to make things happen as we plan,
but at least we try.
i may not be good,
but at least i tried.
i guess..
the effort that counts.

so here, i am what i am.

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