Thursday, July 23, 2009

craziness of moulin rouge is back!

"...the greatest thing you ever learn is just to love and be loved in return..."- Moulin Rouge, 2001

It's really weird that I am re-watching this movie after the nearly 3 years of my first watch.
And I am starting to extract the piece in my very own personal way.
It's a very fun, colourful love story with the most hurting ending.
It's too hurting!
Somehow, this is one of NK best work ever. Same goes to Baz Lurhman and not forgetting Ewan.
But I guess, NK has given the best of her in every seconds of this film.
She acted so very well, sings well and dance great!
Good JOB NK!
After almost 9 years since the movie is been produced,
I still can watch it like twice a day?
Somehow, Baz Lurhman is really good in being choosy and particular.
Each and every angle of his work is detail and much near to perfect!
I come up with this,
maybe some or many wud not agree, but I want it to be this way...

"To get through hurting moments is just to get hurt more and more,
because do you know what is the most hurting after all?
it is.. when we try to heal it!
when you are sad, many said never listen to sad songs,
but... i choose to!
never watch sad movies,
but i choose to!
because it is just like...
when u are having muscular pain,
usually after some physical activities
you might suffer to move,
never try to pamper it
hurt it more..
i mean.... just try to walk, jump or run like usual,
it'll heal by itself
if you pamper the pain,
thinking it's the best way to heal it
no! it wont and never work that way!

Next movie : The Terminal by Steven Spielberg, (Tom Hanks & Catherine Zeta Jones)

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