Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year End Sale, please don't end yet...

As I have made my 250GB and even my 60GB external hdd full, I begged for... :)

And what I love most about year end sale is... things gets cheaper and cheaper than usual!

Clothes like the tops, offered for very2 reasonable price. Worth for everyday clothing! But for shoes, I gotta bought both with normal price because both have melted my heart more than the rest ever! Especially the one in the pic above! Damn, I love it so muchhh! The other one too :P But since walking is my 2nd responsibility in the upcoming semesters, maybe I should, which is really2 should consider about having flats besides only my crocs. Cotton On offers reasonable price! Maybe... I dunno :( Or maybe walk with flip flops and change it later? Gahh! Double burden. :(

UiTM di hatiku, terima kasih UiTM!

"Tak baik merungut-rungut, orang dulu2 lagi susah nak gi menuntut ilmu, syaz!"
~monolog syaz pada dirinya sendiri.

So, I should be thankful and grateful with what I have now. Demi merealisasikan wawasan UiTM untuk mengurangkan kesesakan di kawasan fakulti, kami semua dikehendaki memakirkan kenderaan 4 roda kami (sbb motor terkecuali) kt padang kawad next sem (lg 2 hari je pun). Padahal dah berkuatkuasa last sem, tp saya pecah record tak pernah mematuhinya spjg last sem. Tapi saya x pernah memberi masalah laluan pada org lain, seperti tanpa hemah dan toleransi mem-block kereta org atau laluan, tidak pernah sesekali... Maka saya bakal menyediakan semua di bawah ini (mcm list do's and don'ts la) bagi memudahkan diri.

Semuanya adalah gara-gara kemunculan palang automatik di setiap pintu masuk setiap fakulti, juga beberapa kawasan tapak parkir (gila besar itu) yang berdekatan dengan kawasan fakulti. Termasuklah tapak parkir besar yg kt sebelah dentistry, juga fakulti engineering itu (yg dekat tangga tinggi tu)...

*Gambar adalah hasil tinjauan penulis pagi tadi ke kawasan kampus. Sebenarnya berita ini telah diketahui saya hampir sebulan yang lepas selepas dihubungi rakan dan adik yg berada di semester akhir program asasi di induk. Tetapi x berkesempatan lagi nak meninjau, dan hari ini? jengjengjeng :)

Sekarang saya perlu memikirkan cara untuk meminta wang poket lebih sebab nak kene naik bus dari padang kawad ke fakulti. Tambahan pula, bus rapid kini mengenakan tambang setiap kali naik, bukan tiket harian macam dulu. Jadi kalau pakcik bus UiTM lambat, atau bus mengalami kesesakan, saya kene naik bus rapid. Kesian kepada ibu bapa saya, sudahlah bayarkan duit monthly kereta, insurans, minyak pula (kegunaan gi kelas kebanyakkannya ok! sbb saya bukan kaki ukur jalan sesuka hati), pastu kene bg saya extra pocket money pula nak bayar tambang bus. Takpelah, nak menuntut ilmu lah katakan. Bukan lah saya malas nak berjalan, (sbb bagus untuk saya lose weight dan exercise juga) tapi macam agak tiada logika juga seandainya saya perlu berjalan kerana agak jauh, dan kawasan yang berbukit-bukit itu bakal menghauskan tapak kasut saya sebelum waktunya.

*peta diambil dari web yg memberi arah ke kampus mawar. X merah adalah tempat letak kereta, (padang kawad) dan X hijau adalah fakulti saya! :)

*new sem, may life be kind to me and things goes smoothly :)
syaz :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

where ever you are...

dedicated to i dunno who... :P
sometimes it is just that the heart wants what the heart wants...
i dunno, some heart business, maybe. lol!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Current reading : A Book by A Psychoanalyst

We should avoid travelling - in our thoughts. Grrrrr!!!
Adam Phillips, he is a writer and thinker... How I wish I can be like him too :P

unplanned 2

port dickson, dec 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Find your strength in love by loving yourself

~ I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity ~

There's no need to complicate, our time is short!

complicated is YOU

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

hark back to 1990s

Uncle Tobys, I'm currently craving for u!
Each of the bites makes me reminisce of the days when life was so good!

best muesli bars ever on earth!
u reminds me of my childhood good days!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To : M

I don't know what's wrong with you, M. No matter what I do or what I said, you will never stop! It really irritates me to the very deep! And I am so getting enough of this uncomfortable condition that drives me crazy! Yes, it's you M! Please stop it! You came all of sudden from I don't know where, upset my whole life and turns it into a real disaster! I can't even do a thing since you came! I am all stressed now! Please go away! Life is so much better without you! GO! GO! GO!

*m : mucus! yek yek! haha :P to be exact, it's the nasal mucus :(
i'm currently suffering from this chronic dust allergy! so i am suffering from a real massive r
unny nose, itchy and watery eyes, and i have been sneezing repeatedly for i dunno how many million times :(
this is really bad! i need my adezio now!

Monday, December 14, 2009



Thursday, December 10, 2009


Alhamdulillah, syukur. Though I realized that I have been playing around a little for the whole semester compared to my nerdy diploma years, You still gave it to me. Thank You for listening to my prayers, thank You for giving me such a wonderful supportive parents and family. Thank You for giving me this opportunity.

*merasa jugak nak DL degree ni :P

Monday, December 07, 2009

grandpa (tell me about the good old days)

Grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days
Sometimes it feels like this worlds gone crazy
Grandpa, take me back to yesterday
When the line between right and wrong
Didn't seem so hazy

Did lovers really fall in love to stay
And stand beside each other, come what may
Was a promise really something people kept
Not just something they would say
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Woah oh, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days

Grandpa, everything is changing fast
We call it progress, but I just don't know
And grandpa, Let's wander back into the past
And paint me the picture of long ago

Did lovers really fall in love to stay
And stand beside each other come what may
Was a promise really something people kept
Not just something they would say and then forget
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Woah oh, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days
Woah oh, grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days

Did families really bow their heads to pray?
Did daddies really never go away?

my dear late grandpa,
i am missing you too much that sometimes i feel like dialing my phone,

hoping u can pick it up and answer me from there.
good enough if we can talk for a minute or two...
why did u have to go that early :(

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Cobain, i wish you didn't blow your brains off at all

Rest In Peace, Kurt Cobain.
I believe that he has lots more to give. Not only talents but lots of good and wise thoughts too;
Quotes by Kurt Cobain :

- Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.
- A friend is nothing but a known enemy.
- I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

No more mysterious death of the famous please. Hendrix is such a big waste too.
But I guess this is just the best way of going and still keep them with all the fame and even more later.

Monday, November 30, 2009

my music selections is lame, but i really love it!

“Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.”

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach

"There are Many things that I would Like to say to you But I Don't know How."
~ from the song Wonderwall

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Current addiction : Bay City Rollers!

The Bay City Rollers were a Scottish pop, rock and the bubblegum pop band of the 1970's!
I am crazily in love with their 'Give A Little Love' and 'Bye Bye Baby'!!!
Though I did not live in those days, but I always believe that those were the good old days where things are so not like today.

Bye Bye Baby, the ost of Love Actually!

*they really ROCK my dull life*

Friday, November 20, 2009

You cannot find life by avoiding love

I think I am too scared,
that I put up a big glass wall to keep from getting hurt,
but it also keeps me from getting touched. It's the RISK.

“If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater.”

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.”

Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something.”

“I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear.”

Risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

Thursday, November 19, 2009

sorry i just can't

If you were to call me a rose,
I'd say 'With a million thorns',
If you were to say I am an angel,
I'd say 'You're crazy, I'm still alive'.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

it's not only the matter of the world is ending...

2012 is simply da BOOM!
~It touches lots in all aspects, too many to talk about but above all,
it's the LOVE and HUMANITY!

think people, think.

:: worth the very long queue ::
this and that : 2012

I wud say i like it :) Why?
(p.s penilaian awal berdasarkan: put aside all personal perspective, zero in mind x silap is pre-iconographic theory and well i dun take the 'KIAMAT' nye issue tu seriously in this film... as i said, it is not all about the end of the day. It's sumthing broader).

First of all, jgn harapkan kiamat berlaku dlm this movie. Sbb? This story is against the apocalypse beliefs. It is based on the American's beliefs that the world is never gona end on 2012, it is just a reformating, or refresh process of the earth (mcm yg jd kt atlantis), melalui kejadian bencana alam. (as been said by Einstein, the north pole akan switch place), thats why watak Jackson is the writer of Farewell Atlantis. Somehow US akan angkat philospher mereka juga. (xleh nafikan)

But what I love most about this movie is, the way they put many issues in it (which sumthing we can think about deeply), and ofcoz jln cite world disaster cmni, mmg x logic skit, which heroes will always akan terselamat sbb hero la yg bwk jln cite. (cmne lak kalau hero mati kan) :P

And I love jugak the way they criticize the US (though akhirnya mengangkat jugak). How US will usually manipulate the mind of the world citizen, (though cite ni pun manipulate mind gak haha), and how US ni actually a self-proclaim nye type of people! (by the plot yg jd kat Satnam). Mcmana pada awalnya US cam x nak layan Dr.Adrian, but bila tgok reports by him, trus je tanya Dr.Adrian been reporting to whom all this while and trus amik Dr. Adrian! And masa persidangan all the Prime Ministers and Presidens, trus je kenalkan Dr. Adrian as..."Our genius scientist" katanya. Padahal at first Satnam yg jumpe mende tu kan. -Even cite ni pun mcm ketidakpuasan hati Americans to the Mayans due to the Mayan's theory of 2012. (nape ek? is it sbb bukan American yg jumpe dulu pasal 2012 ke? Well, ya ya ya they really need to be the first of the first all the time. I dunno. It is just a personal perception).

And commonly there's black-white issue sikit (cliche but not so obvious), however I love about how they frame the Russian's power, about the China's conflict (penggunaan tenaga buruh)... Agak penindasan terhadap China la jugak. It's about the VETO power. (In the United Nations Security Council, the five permanent members is the United States, Russia, the People's Republic of China, France and the United Kingdom). About money can buy priority, about how selfish human can be...

After all, back to basic it is all about the HUMANISME, UNITY, LOVE... 'civilization basic'! Some are proud to say that they are well-civilized, but actually acting like a nuts! -tepuk air percik muka sendiri. And about technology ciptaan manusia memusnahkan manusia pun again a cliche issue tp bukanlah main issue tp digarap dgn baik indirectly. Bila kete Bently canggih tu guna voice command, humm kalau si Yuri tu dah mati awal2, kete tu mmg xleh guna ah kan. And masa ark dorg xleh start engine sbb pintu xleh tutup. (technology kdg2 memakan diri manusia), as all the buildings, skycrappers, ciptaan manusia smua menghempap manusia balik. Somehow they debut back yg TECHNOLOGY boleh selamatkan manusia dari the end of the world. (tak nak pikir sbb nanti lari akidah).

Tp nasib baik the writer, director x cuba mempropagandakan Islam. Tp kalau I nak being offensive, I'd say ade jugak. Which masa they show the world reactions towards the date, they showed org Islam unite pray (visual depan kaabah), and some other races/regions in the world did too. Melalui visual tu, if I am trying to be extra offensive (sensitif melampau), I'd say it is a penghinaan secara synical indirectly, where WE do not try to do anything utk selamatkan generasi manusia, but they do! Especially when President of Italy are not joining the escaping mission, someone did said "The President of Italy decided not to join and stay believing in the power of prayer" (something like that). And something fishy about the 'ITALIAN'. Why is that it has to be the President of Italy? Is it about...the Roman Catholic thingy? Is it regarded to the matter of Roman Catholic-American conflict sumwhere in the 1950's? I dunno, i dun master this issue, so i have nothing to say, it is just something to think about.

Cuma few things yg x best is dramatic moment diguna pakai byk kali (twice and more) which dah jd x best and rasa mcm wuek. Which they use significant symbolic nye moment cth : masa Gordon shopping ngn his wife kt mall yg nak runtuh tu, he said, "lately i can feel something is trying to put as apart" (camtula lebih kurg), sekali yg floor tu retak and they were put apart. And the next time they use it is masa ship tu ngah cruising, ada lagu 'the end of the world'... And dramatic moment plays on audience about the hero 2 kali x silap digunakan. Which masa Jackson jatuh dgn caravan tu, (when Gordon nak fly tinggalkan Jackson)... kita cam ooo... JACKSON!!! Sekali jeng jeng jeng, tgn dia naik! YEAY! And again masa yg Jackson swim down x naik2, pun kita audience ni disaji dgn dramatic moment yg sama. (byk guna dramatic moment yg lebih kurg sama.. so cam sakit hati je audience).

Black hero : Dr.Adrian
White hero : Jackson Curtis
(double-hero, it's a good idea!)

*uhmm jgn harapkan film-film apocalypse ni ttg kiamat semata, sbb kiamat adalah propaganda penarik audience, isi dalamnye tu, ada agenda, pengisian dan issue lain. In 2012, Emmerich combines natural disasters and global government conspiracy.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

feeling the feelings

Tears are words the heart can't express
People love others not for who they are but for how they make them feel

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

Friday, November 06, 2009

current obsession : Love Story (1970)

Love means never having to say you're sorry.

at last, fin my downloading session... now is time to watch it! yeay!

hard when it is not easy

i need to tell you what i need to tell
but i know it is not what u need to listen or even know

to give or to simply keep keeping

Monday, November 02, 2009


How stress can she actually be??? Mcm xleh nak jwb intro to masscom???

This is what we call, SEWAJARNYA!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

At last.... :)


Monday, October 19, 2009

About Me, You, We & most of all, About Us...

Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.

Monday, October 12, 2009

please teach me how can i fall for you

If parents have an ugly baby, would it then be understandable for them not to love it?

When people get old and lose their looks, would their mate be justified in finding someone more beautiful to love?

If a beautiful person becomes maimed in some horrible accident, would their lover be right to leave them?

:: Physical beauty should be the least of requirements for love... ::

Sunday, October 11, 2009

after all...

the road less traveled
that taught me so much.
'The tassel's worth the hassle!'

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us...

Puncak Perdana, every little piece of it...
...They taught me how to imagine, and how to dream.
They gave me wonderful memories, and left footprints on my heart...
It's surprising how much memory is built around things unnoticed at the time...
"For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever."
- Laura Swenson

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The good old days

Missing all the good old days...
when we were all innocent, pure and white.
Klang, I am missing the old curves and lanes.
Where goes my nostalgic inches...?

p/s klang; a small town where I grew up, the air that I gasp for almost 20 years before shifted to this new town of shah alam.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

back to assignments... :(

Ouh no! It's like waking up from a sweet dreams to the real violent hillarious massive reality... Help me please, put me back to the long sleeps... I love it till the end of time. I don't want to face the reality. It hurts me critically. No No No No!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Meludah Ke Langit

Terpanggil untuk menulis disini selepas menonton satu demi satu video dan artikel di laman internet tentang hal/isu Malaysia-Indonesia. Pengguna internet dari Malaysia dan Indonesia bertengkar sesama sendiri di laman web. Tidak banyak, tercarik sakit di hati melihatkan situasi ini.

Kepada semua pembaca Malaysia dan Indonesia,
Pertama sekali, untuk apa kita bergaduh? Apa hadiah kepada kemenangan kita? Maruah? Kehebatan?

Kita serumpun, Melayu, Jawa, Bugis atau apa sahaja, kita Asian. Kita manusia yang sama, serupa dan tidak berkuasa apa. Tidakkah kita fikir bahawa kuasa besar di luar sana sedang mentertawakan kita kerana sekecil kita ini pun mahu bergaduh, bermusuh sesama sendiri. Bukan kah kita seharusnya hidup harmoni, toleransi bersama? Menerima baik dan buruk sesama sendiri demi kemajuan bersama? Kita berbalah di pentas media dan internet disini, adalah untuk apa? Membuka pekung di dada kita sendiri? Memapar pada dunia betapa jahilnya kita? Memapar fakta-fakta yang tidak diperakui hanya sekadar untuk menghentam sesama sendiri? Tidak tergelakkah warga dunia yang lain melihat situasi ini. Saya sendiri tergelak dengan beberapa kenyataan disini yang nyata salah dari sudut fakta. Tarikh, situasi dan kenyataan sebenar, semuanya salah. Tidak malukah kita? Seolah-olah urusan rumah tangga suami dan isteri dipekik dan dilolong sampai didengar oleh jiran tetangga?

Malaysian dan Indonesian,
Jika saya mahu jadi seperti salah satu kamu semua, saya boleh balas kritikan anda semua di sini satu demi satu mengikut amarah dan emosi saya sendiri. Rasa patriotik negara sendiri dihina ibarat tiada maruah. Pertama ingin saya menegur, bukanlah Malaysia tidak mahu berperang itu bererti takut. Tetapi mengapa mesti perang? Kita mengutuk kuasa besar AS mengamal perang ke atas negara-negara yang ditindas, mengapa harus kita turut amalkan? Perang perlukan wang, perang perlukan nyawa, perang nyata sekali memberi kesan buruk kepada generasi muda. Itulah rasionalnya mengapa kita tidak perlu berperang. Di Malaysia, di Indonesia, kita sama-sama ada kadar kemiskinan. Mengapa tidak duit berperang itu digunakan untuk membantu yang susah. Mengapa harus membeli bom dan senjata? Bukankah kita khalifah di muka bumi harus menjadi pengaman, bukanlah pencetus kekacauan.

Isu siapa lebih pandai, siapa lebih bodoh? Jika kita berterusan bertelingkah begini, masyarakat dunia semua akan memandang kita SAMA BODOH. Tidak lebih, tidak kurang.

Kepada semua, hentikan semua persengketaan sia-sia ini. Isu curi mencuri, hamba menghamba, siapa kuat, siapa besar, siapa bagus, sedarlah yang kita semua sama manusia. Tidak ada kurang, tidak ada lebih. Asian, tunjukkan masyarakat dunia kita juga maju. Kita juga ada maruah. Fikir-fikirkan anda semua. Terima Kasih, dari Malaysia untuk semua.

# bukan nasionalis, cuma rakyat biasa menuntut harmoni.
Agak termalu kerana seorang rakan dari Australia terbaca comment2 di youtube tentang kutukan-kutukan di laman tersebut tentang Malaysia. Meski saya bukan wakil kerajaan, ambassador atau apa sahaja, tetapi terasa di hati membersih nama negara sendiri apabila diperkotak-katik begini. Namun apa kuasa saya, sekadar mampu berkata di cebisan ruang yang tiada siapa hendak membaca. :(

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Look at the clock, watch, whatever time machine it is, it is 2.50AM as I am writing this down. Baru balik berjalan2, berpusing2 :P (yearly family programme di mlm raya). Abah baru balik dari Russia ptg td after about 2 weeks he's abroad. So today mama masak for raya nye dishes, yumyum! After maghrib ajak smua gi my grandma's hse kt Klang, my dad kepenatan and suh me and my brothers je go ahead dulu. So my 2 brothers and I pun gi lah, plus nak anta all the lauk pauk to my grandma's hse. Since dah besar2 ni, selalunya 1st raya akan beraya kt umah sendiri je, kt Shah Alam ni then baru lah gi umah grandma kt Klang or balik beraya kt Perak, kampung mama.

So, td lepas anta all the lauk pauk kt umah my grandma, balik and enjoying the clean and clear road of Shah Alam. Gile superb clear, sampai leh baring2 tgh jln upamanya. Leh buat drift2 lg haha! (COOL gile, bak kata dzul bile I msg him bgtau Shah Alam's road is so damn clear)... This is what we experienced every year kt Shah Alam ni. Memang sunyi lah Shah Alam ni bile UiTM tu cuti, tambah2 cuti raya cmni. So reached home and enjoying the kuih raya dpn tv.

Dlm kul 11.30+, mama ajak keluar. Konon evening drive jln2 usha suasana mlm raya hehehe :P So abah drive to Klang, (tanah tumpah darahku :P) Klang town, alamakkkkk!!! Gile sendat dek manusia ber-shopping last minute... Gile sesak kt area town and Pasar Jawa Klang tu. So we make a turn and back to rumah my grandma. Gamble je ni, agak2 dorang sure x tido lg, sbb dah dekat 12++ jugak la. Then tgok2, rumah my grandma masih terang benderang dan riuh rendah. So ape lagi, join the club la. Sesi makan, rasa, komen semua masakan2, and sesi mengenali kuih raya hahaha! Peluk2 balang kuih tu sekali.

Dlm 2+, kitorg gerak balik, my dad saje je nak lalu lg kt kt klang town. It's 2.30 dah and... Klang town mcm baru kul 8mlm! Gila cayalah org bershopping segala x ingat mlm siang dah. Wonder kt Jln TAR sure lg meriah ni. Pusing balik kt Shah Alam, PKNS baru je nak shut down, org2 baru beransur nak balik. And now... I am back at home, writing bout the precious night we had just now :) Ni confirm sok pagi liat2 dodol nak bangun ni. OKlah, wishing all Salam Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin! Kalau semua comment raya dah semakin x best, marilah kita sama2 best2 kan jugak raya ni! :D

*nak biskut cornflakes!!!
*perut pedih dek kuah kacang :P
Salam Lebaran (bak kata my brother, bukan lebaran tp 'LEBARAN' which means melebarkan bdn! haha!!!)
adoiii :P

Friday, September 18, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri

...From A Lover Like Me and Family...

Monday, September 14, 2009

ex lover : the game over story

An article of An ex-lover(s) memories : what to do with them?

Well, on to the topic. What do you do to the memories of your ex-lover(s)? Well, most of us experience break-ups and splits with our past lovers. Break-ups don’t sound like good memories right? Well, things happen. In some cases, it’s just a split with no words. Again, things happen. Of course, when something like that happen to you, the last thing you want to do is going through all the things that remind you of the person, especially when what cause the split is something very hurtful and unacceptable. I’m not going to discuss about it here. Whether it’s infidelity, lack of understanding and other things… breakups do hurt us. The question is, what do you do with the memories of your past lover(s)?

I keep saying this point. Take with you all the good things. Don’t waste any of them! I won’t be writing this article if I don’t know what I’m talking about. I am thankful for my habit of keeping all the things I received from other people, though I wasn’t clear what this habit can give to me back…I just know it can give me back something, someday. No, I don’t need another 10 years to get something back from that habit. Why wait another 10 year, when you have now, right? :)

We grow with time. Each year, we are just wiser. The way we see things will also change. Isn’t it interesting? I mean, don’t you want to see how different you see things, now that you’re wiser? Trust me, you won’t regret it. I conducted my little research on this. The best subject is the memories of this particular special ex-lover of mine. It worked wonders.

All the treasure that has his name on it recalled all the good things. Once again, I was the girl I was a few years ago. Once again, I was years immature. It really brought me back to the past. I never know that going through the stuff of my ex-lover can do so much to me. Not only that I realized how immature I was back then, but I also realize how far mature I am now! *giggles. I experienced the lovestory once again though it was a thing in the past. I smiled, I laughed and I even cried. I have just proven to myself and also to the rest of you that being wiser does let you see things differently. I realized that I didn’t appreciate him the way he deserved it…I realized that he was a much charming person from who I used to see him before. It was just an amazing discovery.

Ok…let’s not get carried away with this hahahahaha!
Let me tell you guys something. Memories of our past lovers are very useful. Trying to experience the “lovestory” once again by going through his stuff recall back all the good things and answer back all the forgotten questions, why this person used to be special to me? What makes him fall for me in the first place? When and where and how did it all start? Then, in the process of doing that, I also did myself a favour. This is because, at the same time, I also learnt and discovered more about myself. I mean, what are the qualities in you that made you special to some people? Don’t you want to know? You guys know what, you must do this in your lifetime! Must! It’s among the most rewarding things to find out all over again how you have touched other people’s lives. And the best people you can learn this from are your ex-lovers. You might forget why some guys were crazy about you in the past until you find something that can remind you all that. Yes, even how good they are, they are in the past, so what?

No, don’t look at it that way. If you want to really experience this life, as long as it’s good, savour it. Sometimes you think you’re just nobody. But these past lovers proved you that you are actually somebody. You’re special enough for them to love you and miss you all the time you guys were apart. This way, it might help you remind yourself once again what a worthy person you are. Our ex-lovers are special because they once saw us more special than others. They saw the qualities in us that others don’t. The memories of your ex-lovers are the best way to learn all over again that your existence in this world made a difference in some of the special people whose life touched by you and the qualities you are blessed with. Nothing is wrong with anything good! I can’t miss the feeling of feeling really blessed and I want to feel millions of feelings like that so I can say thank you Lord, again and again. Anything good comes from Him :)

The memories of our past lovers also help us to improve to be a better person because we might find out that we didn’t treat them good enough back then. You will learn from your mistakes with them and you’ll be a greater lover next time :) So, put the stuff of your ex-lover nicely in a box big enough to hold everything in place…cos that will be among your treasure for the rest of your life. You will need it as you get older. I won’t miss that experience of experiencing the blessing all over again the next time I look at it :) You’ll never regret it :)

NOTE: FROM A BLOGGER, this article is so ME!

p/s have anyone think of... having a PROM, where it is only for ex-esss? Huahuahua! I dunno, most maybe say this is crazy, it will be a big disaster, but come on, take it in a real sweet point of view... isn't it sweet? For the old love sake?
Theme of the night : Old Love Sake!
*i know this is crazy.. i am just sayin it larh...huhu i dunno :P

if we were once lover, live in love each day before, sayin all the love quotes, dedications, sayin whatever love script from all love movies, all lyrics from wateva love songs, why can't we be good to each other for one night after the separation?

a lover like me
*unheal wound that bleeds over and over again*

late night post

What if an ex-lover texted...saying that dia is missing me. (as much as I miss dia so much too...) Asking me whether I miss dia jugak x? Yes, I did said I really do, in a friend to friend way. I know dia wonder why and I said,

..."I wanna let (new lover dia) feel how lovely to be loved by you that i once felt"...

Honestly maybe we are both meant to be just friends and nothing more like lover though I know it was really wonderful before. You are best with the one you are now. Keep the memories and we will be fine. Appreciate the one with you tu and life will treat you good.

You are not replaceable yet bukan sbb saya tunggu awak lar...
tp mungkin sbb...ntah. I love to be stuck long, nak watcamne kan...
Bukan saya x suke sesape, tp yg saya suke x suke saya, cmne? hahaha :P

*kpd sesape yg dpt teka sape org bgelar ex ni, shooooh diam2 je ok.
haha, yelar ex I rasanye jari sebelah tgn pun x sampai setengah. I mean ex yg btul2 ex lover larh,
crush2 x masuk, school lovers x masuk, tu puppy loves! huhu!

p/s Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose bcoz the heart that truly loves never forgets. Though no canvas absorbs colour like memory, someday many years from now you will see me, the same old dull me living on with our memories... family, friends, relatives, who ever you are... you're in! :D

Saturday, September 12, 2009


There is a person named a person who is seriously nothing, except a trouble maker that keeps annoying me day and night that starts to break my patience now. I tried best to still smile and say it's ok, it is just another irritating moment, but that person will never stop! Oh no! Can't you realise that you are making others nuts! Come on, you are not a small kid to be told to sit properly or to say what ever only necessary. You are a one grown up person who supposedly knows how to behave.

But see what you have become? Day and then others need to consider lots of things with you. Can't you feel that others are getting lesser comfortable with you? Can't you feel that others are actually getting sick with you? But we are an attached-brained people try not to hurt you and be good. But you?

Hello! Do appreciate others understandings. It is hard to make ourself be an understanding person to understand a person like you! You are completely weird and you will surely have got no idea what others actually thinks about you. Stop your massive dirts and please grow up! Stop the mess that you are trying to do!

*wish I could say all this straight on your face instead of writing here and I am very sure that you will not even gona read, annoying friend!

Monday, September 07, 2009

this and that...

at last, mandi jugak akhirnya kereta ni harini hehe :P

and everyday and then, stuck dlm uitm.. masuk atau keluar. sama sahaja.

as well as pg, ptg, mlm dan bile2 masa (tp paling teruk peak hours lah! fuhhh!) jom buat monorail dlm uitm? boleh larr.. pls pls pls... hehehe :P

lanyard ini nice! (padahal kebosanan dlm class, main2 hp)

last saturday's family raya potrait's pic kt studio taman tun, damansara! nice one!

ni self-cam je kot... with my lil brother!

selamat hari raya!!! hahaha too early yeh? xpe, i wanna be the first! huhuhu :P

Saturday, September 05, 2009


why do people kill people who killed people to tell people that killing people is wrong???

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Final Destination 4!

simply the BEST!
3D is advisable for more satisfaction!

p/s bulan puasa, no pop corn ekkk hehe